The Vermont Animated Film Festival is an event that celebrates the artistry, creativity, and storytelling of animation. Located in picturesque Vermont, the festival provides a platform for animators from around the world to showcase their unique perspectives and innovative techniques.

From hand-drawn masterpieces to cutting-edge CGI, the festival covers a variety of styles and genres, offering something great for every animation enthusiast. Our mission is to inspire audiences, support emerging talent, and foster a vibrant community of animation creators and fans.

The festival has been successfully held for two editions and has become a cornerstone for animation lovers and creators. Each year, the Vermont Animated Film Festival brings together filmmakers, industry professionals, and animation enthusiasts for an unforgettable experience through screenings, workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. With a focus on originality and artistic excellence, we aim to highlight animation as a powerful medium for storytelling and cultural expression.

Attend the Vermont Animation Film Festival to explore compelling stories, meet inspiring creators, and immerse yourself in the magical world of animation!


The Vermont Animated Film Festival is dedicated to celebrating the art of animation as a medium for storytelling, creativity, and cultural expression. We aim to inspire audiences, support emerging talent, and foster a vibrant community of animators and enthusiasts.


We share a passion for animation and storytelling. Working together to create an engaging, inclusive, and inspiring festival experience for creators and audiences. Showcase the extraordinary talent of animators from around the world and inspire audiences with unforgettable experiences.


Browse our FAQ library to find answers to frequently asked questions and the process for all your questions, including film submission, film submission rules, event information, and more.


We are always looking for motivated and qualified candidates to join our team and help us achieve our goals in the animation industry and make a significant impact on the animation industry.

115 Eastern Avenue, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819

Email: admin@Vermontaff.com

Date: September 20 to September 25, 2025

© 2024 Vermont Animated Film Festival