The Vermont Animated Film Festival is brought to life by a passionate and dedicated team of professionals, creatives, and animation enthusiasts who are committed to celebrating the art of animation. Our team’s combined expertise ensures a seamless and unforgettable experience for attendees, participants, and industry professionals alike.
Festival Director: Leading the charge, our director oversees all festival activities, ensuring that every edition reflects our mission to inspire and innovate.
Program Curator: Responsible for selecting the finest animations from around the globe, curating a lineup that highlights diverse styles, voices, and storytelling techniques.
Events Manager: Coordinates workshops, panel discussions, and networking events to provide an engaging and dynamic environment for participants and audiences.
Website Administrator: Maintains our digital presence, ensuring our festival website is informative, accessible, and up-to-date.
Our Approach
We work collaboratively to bring a shared vision to life—celebrating animation as an art form that connects and inspires. Each team member plays a vital role in creating a festival that not only entertains but also supports the growth of the animation community.
With creativity and professionalism at our core, the Vermont Animated Film Festival team is proud to host an event that resonates with artists, filmmakers, and animation enthusiasts worldwide.